Home2020 (Page 7)

With retail shops closed all over the country, shoppers now have the option to buy a selection of items online and support #ClapForCarers campaign in the process. From football scarves to shirts to jewellery there are options for everyone out

Since the Covid-19 crisis started, there has been a spike in domestic violence while people are in isolation. What do you do in a situation like this? How do you handle domestic violence when your abuser is in isolation with

Many employees are juggling full-time work and taking care of their children. In our weekly KindLink webinar, we talked to Lisa Rowles, Director of Innovation and Evidence at Khulisa, and Ray Henry, Chairman of the IACP, about how working parents

Every year on April 30 communities, musicians, jazz lovers, schools, historians and academics gather together to celebrate  International Jazz Day. This year, people can join in and enjoy some fantastic tunes during #JazzAtHomeDay 2020. At 8 pm BST, the Global

Payroll Giving, also known as 'Give As You Earn' (GAYE), is the most tax-efficient method for donating to charities in the UK. The scheme has been created to allow employees to donate regularly from their salaries (or pensions, if retired)

Everyone around the world is doing their best to do a bit of good nowadays and help out in any way possible. From individuals fundraising to large corporations changing their manufacturing processing, people are finding innovative ways to keep the

Do you know how you're going to reintroduce your people to work after Covid-19? Whether your staff have been furloughed or are home working, there are lots of considerations you need to make and can start preparing for now. Here are

Kisiizi Partners is a UK charity which was set up to support Kisiizi Hospital in south-west Uganda. The 275 bedded hospital is a private-not-for-profit organisation under the auspices of the Church of Uganda. The hospital compound comprises a school of

A leading CSR trend is the transition away from glossy, brand-heavy content to an authentic portrayal of social giving. Who is producing this new content? It’s not your costly public relations agency. It’s your employees. Employee branding is the strategic use of

The last week of April is World Immunisation Week, 5 days dedicated to promoting the use of vaccines to protect people from everywhere. The theme of this year is #VaccinesWork forAll, which focuses on highlighting the work of people from

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