HomeNonprofits (Page 6)

Ariga Ibabu. There’s about a 0.1% chance that I spelled his name right. But I don’t think he’ll mind because I’ve never met him. And yet, he’s been an influential person in my life and career. Let me explain… Growing up,

Traffic. Average Gift. Conversion. These are the 3 essential ingredients to fundraising and online fundraising. I discussed the role of traffic here (and here is how a Google Ad Grant can help, as well as a KindLink post on free Google tools available to charities) and today

Almost every non-profit organisation, especially a small one, faces challenges in its daily operations and way too often these challenges determine if the organisation will still exist in the next quarter. From fundraising through volunteer management to donor engagement and

Have you ever wondered why people don’t give? Or why people don’t give more? A frustrating question that took on a new meaning for me after I had visited a project in Zambia I was working on with Spark Ventures. After

You are what you measure. So goes the expression. An expression I personally believe in and, the older I get and more experience I have, I think the importance of such a statement only grows. Measurement doesn’t just show progress

Online donations compliance - is it an issue? The digital era has brought many challenges to both the business and the non-profit sectors. When it comes to fighting online fraud, the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and similar other institutions (such as the

KindLink was happy to take part in the NCVO's Winter Members' Reception. This gave Iskren, our CEO, and Andreea, our VP Communications, the chance to meet some of the charities doing fantastic work around the UK, and some of our

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