Home2020April (Page 3)

Charities attracting corporate partners? The how to on that topic is something any nonprofit will be interested in. Here's a short guide for charities on how to better your chances of attracting those great corporate partners. 1. Have a Clear, Strong Brand Make

The way companies communicate with their stakeholders influences the sales strategy of a business and ultimately can determine whether companies survive in this difficult environment or not. We spoke to Luffa Khnom-Ramsden, Senior Consultant at McOnie, a business to business

World Health Day is each year on April 7 and in 2021 it is time to celebrate the work of nurses and midwives around the world. Nurses and midwives play an important role in our lives, a fact highlighted by

The Charity Covid-19 Survival Guide: Nonprofits around the world are now faced with a dramatic shift in priorities and strategies from their supporters, either existing or potential future ones. Companies are rethinking their whole strategy for the year, and CSR

Elizabeth Balgobin was a guest speaker at the KindLink weekly webinar, on how charities can still attract funding and engage with their supporters during the Covid-19 crisis. A consultant for the Small Charities Coalition, she had a list of insights,

The Starfish Greathearts Foundation is an international non-governmental organisation formed in response to the tragedy of children orphaned or left vulnerable by the HIV/AIDS pandemic in South Africa. What do you think of when someone says "South Africa"? Do you think

The Covid 19-related hand sanitiser shortage has made headlines around the world, and now businesses are rallying around those in need and producing the precious bottles and donating them to hospitals, charities, and other organisations fighting the crisis.  The Giants Moving

HR and the Covid 19 crisis: working remotely has completely changed the way companies do business - and one of the most striking changes is how they work with their employees. We discussed in our webinar last week some best

Donor engagement and happiness can translate into having a constant income over time, which is crucial for your charity. This allows you to plan ahead and cover the costs of running your activities. You need to keep your existing donors

Businesses and governments need to create volunteering schemes that allow everyone to get involved in the philanthropic sector. Rita Chadha from Small Charities Coalition, Charlotte Tomlin from Barclays, Adriano Mancinelli from TrustLaw at Thompson Reuters Foundation and Philip Kenley of

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