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When one says CSR impact measurement, one might think that often-times, results speak for themselves. But do they? There is a long road from strategy to tangible results, and you have to have the right tools to ensure you deploy

As the majority of us will be working from home for at least the next few weeks, we don't want the good you, your team, and your company do in the world to suffer. Volunteering, in general, has very well

KindLink Global invited Margaret Mortlock as Corporate Social Responsibility Manager, Pfizer UK, to answer two questions around CSR programmes and, specifically, volunteering.  What are some of the lessons learned at Pfizer that you could pass onto smaller companies that are trying

Workplace sustainability comes in many shapes and sizes but should be achievable across the board, from ED&I practices to the environment. Here are some insights shared at our Annual KindLink Conference: How Social Responsibility Will Define The New Decade about

Your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability programme should be all about doing the right thing - supporting employees, local communities, and the environment so that we live in a better and kinder planet. But it is also important that

The 2020 Annual Global Law Photography Competition is now open for entries. In times of crisis, it is more crucial than ever that the entire legal profession rally to protect the most vulnerable in our society. That’s why all members of

The Payroll Giving scheme, also known as Give as you Earn (GAYE) or Workplace Giving, has been introduced in the UK to allow employees to donate regularly from their salaries (or pensions, if retired) and get immediate tax relief on

Did you know that there is a tool out there helping companies with managing their volunteering, from sourcing the opportunities to managing their employees? It's called a volunteering platform and it's a great example of what technology for good means.   The

Business, as we know it, has changed forever. It used to be the case that CSR was a fringe term that only exotic companies cared about. Nowadays, stakeholders - may they be employees, customers, suppliers or even shareholders - expect

Today there are over 150,000 polio survivors living within the UK, who, like myself, are now living with the late effects of polio, or post-polio syndrome (PPS). When we left the hospital after the initial virus attack, we were told that

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