HomeCorporate Social Responsibility (Page 2)

Before the pandemic, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) was already transforming from being viewed by leaders as their PR mechanism, operating as a somewhat separate entity, to being ‘the right thing to do’ and operating more in integration with the rest

Whenever we go through a massive, worldwide crisis, we hear calls to arms in the profession – let’s be vital to our organisations, let’s be authentic, let’s be thought leaders, let’s get in the room with the top management and

Covid-19 will be an unwelcome guest in our lives for some time. The deaths will be a grim reminder of its gravity and economies will take a significant time to recover. Moreover, the political, social, and cultural impacts of the

Wondered about the effects of Covid-19 on mental health? As I write this, over 30,000 people are being mourned by their loved ones. The scale of this crisis is unprecedented in the lives of most of us. Researchers at the

When it comes to the importance of social responsibility, there are concerns that the progress that has been made in the CSR space over the past few years may be undone during this continued crisis. Even though industries and organisations

Employee engagement is at the core of a company's long-term strategy. Businesses that understood that point have been more likely to attract Millennial and Gen Z talent and have thrived in a happy environment. So, how will companies approach employee

Employee engagement is at the core of a company's long-term strategy. Businesses that understood that point have been more likely to attract Millennial and Gen Z talent and have thrived in a happy environment. However, some of the core things

You can’t be in CSR and not wonder about the lasting effects of Covid-19 on both the profession and the robust, connected ecosystem of people and causes. Jumping to the punch line, the answer – of course – is that

“We need to focus in on our core business right now.”  “We have other more important things to focus on.” “No more diversity and inclusion activities for the next 90 days.” These statements are being made by some companies in

The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in the biggest school shutdown in history, affecting 1.5 billion young people across the world. In the UK, 85% of children are staying at home as their school is closed (UNESCO 2020). School closures have

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